Improvement of sailing infrastructure and yacht harbours network building in Estonia and Latvia
Project number: EST-LAT55
Project objective is to improve sailing infrastructure and build network of harbours in Estonia and Latvia to promote East Baltic as sailing destination.
Local and Foreign Sailors and Yacht clubs, regatta organizers and sailing associations of partner regions, sailing schools, small vessels licensing schools
Local public authorities include municipalities and regional authorities, tourist information centres
Enterprises and service providers in the harbour area
1 June 2017 – 31 May 2020
EUR 10 981 270.62
(icnl. funding of the European Regional Development Fund EUR 9 334 079.99)
The Project is implemented by the Lead Partner – Kurzeme Planning Region in cooperation with partners from Latvia and Estonia:
Riga Planning Region
Estonian Small Harbour Development Center
Liepaja special economic zone authority
SIA “Liepāja Marina”
Pavilosta Port Authority
SIA “AK Pāvilosta Marina”
SIA “New Yacht Marina” (Ventspils harbour)
Roja Port Authority
SIA “Kurland” (Mērsrags harbour)
Engure Port Authority
Jūrmala Port Authority
Riga Freeport Authority (Riga City Yacht Club harbour in Kipsala)
Skulte Port Authotity
Salacgrīva Port Authority
SIA “Saarte Liinid” (Ringsu and Munalaiu harbour)
Kihnu Municipality (Suaru harbour in Kihnu)
SIA “Wetmen” (Jaagupi harbour)
Tostamaa Municipaltiy (Varati harbour)
SIA “Varbla Holiday Village” (Varbla harbour)
SIA “Lõunaranna Investeeringud” (Lounaranna harbour in Muhu)
SIA “Koiguste Marina” (Koiguste harbour)
SIA “Port of Montu” (Montu harbour)
I Better harbours network (investments activities in the harbours):
safe navigation conditions into harbours: Marking of the port entrance and aquatic area (waters) with proper navigation signs (leading lights, spar and floating lateral buoys, fixed lateral navigation signs);
Protection from waves (strengthening of the coast, construction or reconstruction of piers, breakwaters);
Dredging works: Ensuring of minimum depth alongside the quays and access way (fairway) 2.5 m;
More places: Ensuring properly marked visiting mooring places for small crafts;
Clean environment: Ensuring of reception of waste and wastewater;
Security: Ensuring of 24h security (fencing, video surveillance systems etc.), Installing of safety post (heaving line, boat hook, life buoy, ladder) and fire safety equipment on the quay, ensuring of emergency kit; Elaboration of emergency evacuation plan
Better services for sailors: electricity and drinking water available on the quay, service buildings and their reconstruction for washing facilities and water toilets, sauna etc., installing of lighting in the harbour area and quays,
Access information (stands, Wi-Fi, information boards about harbour network, their services and touristic information);
Expanding services: installation of slipway / crane and other yacht lifting equipment, building up of yacht storage facilities (outdoor/indoor)
Improved services of harbours in Estonia and Latvia are aimed to create standardized and harmonized service levels in harbours along coastline of Latvia and Estonia (altogether 21 small harbours), which includes safe navigation conditions into harbours, secure environment and good quality level services in the harbor, easy to access and understand information – while planning the trip, as well during the sailing holiday.
II Harbour network marketing activities (Connecting Marinas and Sailors)
Market survey and analyses to implement marketing strategy for target markets (Germany, Finland, Sweden, Poland)
Visual identity of East Baltic sailing destination
Participation in the international boat shows in Dusseldorf (Germany), Warsaw (Poland), Helsinki (Finland) and Stockholm (Sweden)
Cruising guide, contain all the harbours in programme area as well additional info about the connecting harbours to enter the East Baltic sailing destination and Harbours network map;
Networking among the internal target group – sailors from Latvia and Estonia, through the existing regattas, championships, sailing events. (e.g. Moonsund Regatta, Baltic Open etc.) various events, conferences to give the harbours network wider recognition.
Expand the product of digital marketing tools for harbours and use the IT advantages
Online and social media promotion, web page will be optimized, incl. special articles in blogs, magazines etc.
Video about Latvian and Estonian harbours
Fam and press trips (journalists, bloggers, yacht clubs)
This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.
Project Manager
Aiga Petkevica
T.: +371 29483674, 28650278, aiga.petkevica[A]
Estonia-Latvia Programme webpage
Estonian regional coordinator: MTÜ EVAK, project manager Jaano Martin Ots
T: +372 5241302,,
EstLat – 55 (Interreg V-A – Estonia – Latvia programm) projekti „ESTLAT harbours“ programmi raames on AS Saarte Liinid teostanud ehitustöid Munalaiu ja Ringsu sadamates. Munalaiu sadama väikelaevasadamasse ehitati slipp koos küljekaiga ja juurdepääsuteega maismaal, paigaldati ujuvkaid ja ujuv lainemurdja ning teostati süvendustööd väikelaevasadama akvatooriumis ja faarvaatril. Ringsu sadama väikelaevasadamas laiendati olemasolevat väikelaevasadama sisebasseini ja rajati kaldakindlustus nõlvadele, paigaldati ujuvkaid ja rajati juurdepääsuteid.
Lisainfot Riigihangete registrist:
Munalaiu sadama väikelaevasadama laiendus II, riigihanke viitenumber: 198843
Ringsu sadama väikelaevasadama laiendus, riigihanke viitenumber: 199174